
Steve Thomas, the previous host of This Old House on PBS, is a comfortable sort of fellow. Steve has great advice for people with “renovator’s disease.” If you have caught the bug, here are a few tips:

1. Do not underestimate the resale value of cosmetic repairs. New carpet, hardwood floors, or a fresh coat of paint can make a dramatic difference.

2. Design before renovating. Visualize your design by designing a 3-D foam model first or use 3-D design software.

3. Be consistent in design so that your new addition and existing home will become a well-designed unit.

4. Before your tear your walls down, take a look at cosmetic flaws. Do not fall in love with an element to the point of forcing other materials to work around it. Elements should fall into place with each other.

5. If you want old-look lumber, get the real thing. Seek out and recycle old lumber from salvage projects.

6. Your kitchen and bathrooms are workshops. If they do not work efficiently, you will not be happy, no matter how good they look.

7. To make the most of a small room, put in large, tall windows.

8. Always over-estimate how long and how much money a project will take. Thomas says he always takes a project, multiplies it by two, then adds 30%!

Are you thinking of remodeling? To find out what features will add the most resale value to your home, call me for a no-obligation chat at 828-442-7204.